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Adult Education

The learning never stops at Temple Adat Shalom! The goal of our Adult Education programs is to engage
adults of every age group and interest, with a goal of bringing the congregation together to build
community while learning. We at Temple Adat Shalom have different histories, needs and points of
view, and so we offer a full range of topics on a variety of subjects, utilizing our clergy, our congregants, and

Upcoming Adult Education Opportunities



There are no upcoming events at this time.


Recorded Sessions

Were you unable to attend one of our programs? Watch recordings of past sessions here:


Dr. Henri Migala of the Jewish Federation presented "A Blueprint for the Future" at the Men's Club Brunch on February 16, 2025. In this talk, he reviewed a recent study conducted by Brandeis University on behalf of the Jewish Federation on the Jewish San Diego Community.

"A Blueprint for the Future" by Dr. Henri Migala

California Ballot Propositions Demystified by Jason Bercovitch

Holocaust Historian
presented by Pavel Batel - March 9, 2024

Challah Bake
presented by Robin Daus & Helen Sabo - Nov 2, 2023

Jewish Artist Lecture Series presents “The Life and Work of Alex Katz “
presented by Sharon Goldhamer via zoom on Oct 30, 2023

A series of lectures on the teachings of Abraham Joshua Heschel by Dr. Virginia Shabatay

Check out our library of previously recorded programs below. (Fall 2021 - Current)


Fri, March 28 2025 28 Adar 5785