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High Holy Days

A Mix of Traditional and Contemporary Services

At Temple Adat Shalom, we enjoy great variety within our services. Our Rosh Hashanah Evening and Traditional Morning service, as well as our Kol Nidre and Morning Yom Kippur service will touch your spirit with familiar and majestic music and prayers. Our Contemporary morning Rosh Hashanah service features creative and modern music and prayer. Our choirs and professional conductor as well as professional musicians enhance our worship at both Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Our Yom Kippur Afternoon services have been updated to allow our focus to transition from themes of repentance for past mistakes to a renewed commitment to doing better, with a mix of both traditional and contemporary music.

Services for All Ages

Children's activities will be available during our Erev Rosh Hashanah, Contemporary Rosh Hashanah, Kol Nidre, and Yom Kippur services, so that adults and older children can attend services with full hearts, minds, and spirits. Special children's services for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur make the joy and meaning of the holidays accessible to our youngest family members. 

Family-friendly services for Tashlich, Sukkot, and Simchat Torah bring the entire community together in joyous celebration.

You are Welcome!

The High Holy Days are a wonderful time to reconnect with your Temple family, or to explore all we have to offer if you are new to our community.

Like most congregations, tickets to attend Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services are required and are provided at no additional charge for our congregants. Congregants who wish to bring additional adult family members or guests can obtain extra tickets for $90 per adult. Non-members are welcome to join us for the holidays, at a cost of $180 per adult for Rosh Hashanah or Yom Kippur services, or $360 per adult to attend services for both holidays.

CLICK HERE to Log-in to our website to register for services and purchase tickets, or else contact the Temple office at 858.451.1200 or email and our office staff will assist you.

For those who are unable to attend services in person, we offer streaming services. To register for streaming services, log into the website, or contact the Temple office to obtain a link. While we do not charge to stream our services, our congregation depends on the generosity of donors, especially during the High Holy Days, to be able to keep our doors open and the lights on. Please consider making a donation to support our Temple community. Your generosity is most appreciated!


Special Prayer Books for Select Services

We use the Book of Repentance for the Traditional Rosh Hashanah morning service and for Kol Nidre and the morning Yom Kippur Service. Click on the links below to view and/or download the prayer books we use for Erev Rosh Hashanah, the Rosh Hashanah Contemporary Service, and the Yom Kippur afternoon services:

Erev Rosh Hashanah Prayer Book

Rosh Hashanah Contemporary Service

Yom Kippur Afternoon Yizkor/Nilah Prayer Book


Please call the Temple office 858-451-1200 to order your set. Total cost including shipping & tax is $75. Orders will be accepted until Sept 14, 2023.  

Fri, March 28 2025 28 Adar 5785