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Men's Club

Men's Club Membership

Our TAS Men's Club is known throughout the Reform Movement as one of the most active and engaged Men's Clubs in the country. Membership is open to all congregants of Temple Adat Shalom or any other Jewish congregation. Your membership dues get you free admission to our monthly brunches, though membership is not required to attend the brunches or any other Men's Club program. Members receive discounts on most of the Men's Club events.

For more information, please contact: Men's Club Membership. To download the Membership Application, click here and please follow the instructions at the bottom. If you prefer to pay your membership dues online, click here.

Supporting Our Community

The members of our Men's Club don't just get together to socialize and have fun--we are deeply connected to our broader temple community as well as our local and global communities. Men's Club members participate in blood drives, help feed the homeless at Christmas time, and  raise funds that enable our teens to participate in Jewish Heritage Trips. 

Men's Club volunteers plan and put on our congregation's annual Purim Carnival, that brings the joy of Purim to children of all ages. We are also latke makers extraordinaire for the religious school's Chanukah celebrations. The special connection between the Men's Club and our religious school students is evidenced by the traditional gift of the Torah book made by the Men's Club to every b'nei mitzvah student. It is a Men's Club representative who introduces each b'nei mitzvah student to the congregation at Erev Shabbat services on the eve of each b'nei mitzvah.

Popular Events

Some of our most popular events include our monthly brunches, annual Man of the Year celebration, Men's Club Pizza Night, and Comedy Night. Our annual Men's Club Shabbat not only enables many of our members to help lead the congregation in worship, but includes the highlight of over a dozen men reading Torah during the service.

Please log in to view details about our upcoming events.

Men of Reform Judaism Men's Retreat

Click above to register for the event - Note that registration closes on May 10th and click here to see a full agenda.

Fri, March 28 2025 28 Adar 5785